
Promoting and Championing Excellence in Health Informatics in Ghana
Ghana Health Informatics Association(GHIA®) is a professional body of health informatics experts and enthusiasts in Ghana. The association engages in the planning, design, development, deployment, and maintenance of safe eHealth solutions and also educates eHealth system users and consumers on its benefits, whilst upholding professional ethics and privacy.
GHIA® currently has a membership strength of over 300. Membership is opened to all health informatics professionals and enthusiasts. We have various categories of memberships; Associate, Honorary,Organizational,Professional, and Student. Members enjoy alot of benefits that go a long way the enhance their career, skills and knowledge in the growing field.
GHIA® hosts leading peer-reviewed conferences, seminars, and training on contemporary topics in health informatics and ICT fields that promote health delivery outcomes and best practices. The association shares various experiences in national and international forums. We hold outreach programs to health professional groups, regulatory bodies, and student groups.